seasonal depression

Why Are the Rates of Depression and Addiction So High in Portland Oregon? 


  You hear it a lot these days. “Portland has changed!” “The city isn’t what it used to be.” “There’s so much crime and addiction now.” It’s pretty evident that the City of Roses has changed a bit over the last few years. It’s fairly uncontroversial to say that the houseless population appears to have [...]

Why Are the Rates of Depression and Addiction So High in Portland Oregon? 2022-11-12T20:59:37+00:00

Sober and Sad? Here’s 3 Cures for the Winter Blues in Portland, Oregon


  Wintertime blues are nothing new.  It’s usually that time before spring’s first bulbs but after the holidays that hits people the hardest.  Dark days, bad weather and chilly temperatures tend to get the best of us down. But when you’re in recovery, it’s so important to do everything you can to practice self-care, stay [...]

Sober and Sad? Here’s 3 Cures for the Winter Blues in Portland, Oregon2021-01-26T05:03:17+00:00
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