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So far shantioffice has created 59 blog entries.

Virtual mental health services are a lifeline in Portland area addiction treatment patients


  In Portland, we hear the same complaints from people struggling with Substance Use Disorder: The services I need are not available  The waitlists are full While this may be true at many clinics in town, that is not true at Shanti Recovery and Wellness. We are accepting new patients and we take OHP. Our [...]

Virtual mental health services are a lifeline in Portland area addiction treatment patients2025-01-27T01:02:36+00:00

How to talk to kids about their first adolescent and pediatric psychiatry visit at Shanti Recovery and Wellness


  Feeling uncertain about how to talk to your children about their upcoming psychiatry appointment?  Whether it’s your child’s first psychiatry appointment ever, or you’re searching for a better fit for your family’s psychiatric needs, this post will provide you with some valuable tips and strategies for initiating this important conversation and easing your child’s [...]

How to talk to kids about their first adolescent and pediatric psychiatry visit at Shanti Recovery and Wellness2024-12-12T04:13:32+00:00

Choosing the Right Ketamine Treatment Clinic for You in Portland Oregon


  There are a few questions you should ask any provider who you are considering using for ketamine treatments or infusions. In Portland, Oregon, you have a variety of options to choose from and it’s important to understand that not all providers are created equal. Although ketamine itself is not new, and has been used [...]

Choosing the Right Ketamine Treatment Clinic for You in Portland Oregon2024-10-10T00:34:34+00:00

What is dual diagnosis? Why is it common for people with SUD to also struggle with mental health?


  There is a well-documented connection between Substance Use Disorder and many, many mental health conditions. While the oft-repeated statistic is that “50% of people who suffer from SUD also suffer from a mental health condition” might be technically true, it’s our clinical experience at Shanti Wellness and Recovery that the number of patients who [...]

What is dual diagnosis? Why is it common for people with SUD to also struggle with mental health?2024-09-30T03:54:23+00:00

What are Peer Support Services and where can I access them in Portland, Oregon?


  Addiction is isolating. And when your life has come to revolve around addiction, recovery can be isolating, too. Evidence-based addiction treatment can help you get the medical care and person-first treatment plan you need to get your life back on track, but tackling that feeling of “being alone” or being “the odd one out” [...]

What are Peer Support Services and where can I access them in Portland, Oregon?2024-09-02T00:21:22+00:00

What is CBT? How Can it Help with Recovery from Addiction? Is it Available in Portland Oregon?


  If you’re looking for the best addiction treatment approach that is most highly supported by many, long-term, successful, scientific studies, look no further than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as “CBT.” In this post, we’ll dispel some of the most common misconceptions about CBT, explore alternatives to CBT, and describe what a common CBT [...]

What is CBT? How Can it Help with Recovery from Addiction? Is it Available in Portland Oregon?2024-07-14T23:52:09+00:00

Isolation is a Key Risk Factor for Addiction in Portland Oregon


  Do you feel lonely? If so, you’re not alone in that feeling.  USA Today is calling isolation and loneliness an “epidemic” in the United States that has even caught the eye of the US Surgeon General. Not only is loneliness excruciating, sad, and boring, but it is actually terrible for our health, as well. [...]

Isolation is a Key Risk Factor for Addiction in Portland Oregon2024-06-09T23:48:13+00:00

Friendship and Recovery – How Friends Can Help or Hurt Recovery


Have you ever heard the phrase, “show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are?” It’s a common phrase because, in many ways, it’s true.  It’s especially true for people struggling with Substance Use Disorder - whether that’s with alcohol, opioids, or any other substance or substances.  Friendships can make or [...]

Friendship and Recovery – How Friends Can Help or Hurt Recovery2024-05-06T01:51:18+00:00

Harm Reduction? Abstinence? How About Both.


  Addiction is a devastating disease. You feel out of control. You want to make better choices, you try to stop drinking or using, you try to regain the control over your life that you once had, but you just keep disappointing yourself again and again.  No one chooses substance use disorder. No one chooses [...]

Harm Reduction? Abstinence? How About Both.2024-04-08T00:46:48+00:00

What is Vivitrol? How is it used to treat Opioid Use Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder?


  At Shanti Recovery and Wellness, in Portland, Oregon, we offer patients medication assisted treatment for some substance use disorders, like Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). There are several medication options for these disorders, and one of them is called Vivitrol. This blog post will explain the basics of Vivitrol, including [...]

What is Vivitrol? How is it used to treat Opioid Use Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder?2024-03-18T03:18:31+00:00
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