mental health

How to talk to kids about their first adolescent and pediatric psychiatry visit at Shanti Recovery and Wellness


  Feeling uncertain about how to talk to your children about their upcoming psychiatry appointment?  Whether it’s your child’s first psychiatry appointment ever, or you’re searching for a better fit for your family’s psychiatric needs, this post will provide you with some valuable tips and strategies for initiating this important conversation and easing your child’s [...]

How to talk to kids about their first adolescent and pediatric psychiatry visit at Shanti Recovery and Wellness2024-12-12T04:13:32+00:00

What is dual diagnosis? Why is it common for people with SUD to also struggle with mental health?


  There is a well-documented connection between Substance Use Disorder and many, many mental health conditions. While the oft-repeated statistic is that “50% of people who suffer from SUD also suffer from a mental health condition” might be technically true, it’s our clinical experience at Shanti Wellness and Recovery that the number of patients who [...]

What is dual diagnosis? Why is it common for people with SUD to also struggle with mental health?2024-09-30T03:54:23+00:00

The 5 Biggest Fears Addiction Treatment Patients Have About Getting Sober in Portland Oregon 


  Substance abuse patients in Portland, Oregon have a lot of the same fears as SUDs patients do all around the world. When you’ve built your life around drinking or using, getting sober can be downright terrifying.  Sometimes it’s the what-ifs that keep folks from pursuing treatment and seeking help.  What if… …I become a [...]

The 5 Biggest Fears Addiction Treatment Patients Have About Getting Sober in Portland Oregon 2022-02-27T21:35:16+00:00

To Family and Friends of Those Struggling with Addiction in Portland, Oregon


    If you have a loved one who struggles with addiction, you’ve come to the right place.  Watching a loved one struggle with a pathological drive to drink or take drugs can be one of the most difficult things we experience in life. Addiction tests our love, trust, respect and hope for our loved [...]

To Family and Friends of Those Struggling with Addiction in Portland, Oregon2021-11-11T00:05:07+00:00

Here’s How Trauma Changes Your Brain and Makes You More Susceptible to Addiction


   Note: Trauma can impact us deeply. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, reach out to Lines for Life right away. Local, understanding people are available to listen 24/7. Their number is 800-273-8255. This article deals with trauma. If you do not feel safe to read material about potentially upsetting subjects right now, please [...]

Here’s How Trauma Changes Your Brain and Makes You More Susceptible to Addiction2021-01-08T05:24:11+00:00

“Am I Drinking too Much?” 5 Ways to Know When You’ve Crossed the Line


  Alcohol is fun - until it isn’t. At Shanti Recovery and Wellness, we meet people in our Portland, OR office who want to stop or reduce their drinking everyday. We treat alcoholism - a form of substance use disorder - with nutrition, talk therapy and medication using the highest level of evidence-based care available [...]

“Am I Drinking too Much?” 5 Ways to Know When You’ve Crossed the Line2020-10-25T02:01:49+00:00

I’m Actually Loving Telemedicine for Addiction Treatment. Here’s Why.


    Note: Yes! We are offering full service telemedicine appointments at Shanti Recovery and Wellness during COVID-19. Give us a call to get scheduled. The pandemic has changed so many things in our lives. Here at Shanti Recovery and Wellness in Portland, OR we are encouraging our patients to opt for telehealth appointments whenever possible [...]

I’m Actually Loving Telemedicine for Addiction Treatment. Here’s Why.2020-09-08T15:39:59+00:00

Top 6 Addiction Treatment and Recovery Resources for BIPOC in Portland, Oregon


       Racism is a public health crisis in this country, and nowhere is that more evident than in Portland, Oregon. Our state has a unique history of white supremacy. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) in Portland have worse health outcomes and lower access to healthcare than white residents. Racism is a chronic stressor [...]

Top 6 Addiction Treatment and Recovery Resources for BIPOC in Portland, Oregon2020-07-07T15:48:05+00:00

The Link Between Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction


  At Shanti Recovery and Wellness, we see a lot of patients who struggle with substance use disorder in addition to other mental health concerns, especially depression and anxiety disorders. Studies have shown that our clinic isn’t unique in this respect. There is a well documented link between depression, anxiety, and addiction.  Scientists are still [...]

The Link Between Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction2020-05-26T15:17:56+00:00

5 Stone Cold Sober Ways to Have Fun While You’re Quarantined in Portland, Oregon


      Here’s the truth:  battling addiction is hard work. Although the longer you’re sober, the easier it becomes to stay sober, it’s still going to take effort to stick to your program, especially during challenging times.  Newsflash: we’re in a challenging time right now. At least one in five people has lost their [...]

5 Stone Cold Sober Ways to Have Fun While You’re Quarantined in Portland, Oregon2020-05-02T01:53:32+00:00
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