
Virtual mental health services are a lifeline in Portland area addiction treatment patients


  In Portland, we hear the same complaints from people struggling with Substance Use Disorder: The services I need are not available  The waitlists are full While this may be true at many clinics in town, that is not true at Shanti Recovery and Wellness. We are accepting new patients and we take OHP. Our [...]

Virtual mental health services are a lifeline in Portland area addiction treatment patients2025-01-27T01:02:36+00:00

What is CBT? How Can it Help with Recovery from Addiction? Is it Available in Portland Oregon?


  If you’re looking for the best addiction treatment approach that is most highly supported by many, long-term, successful, scientific studies, look no further than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as “CBT.” In this post, we’ll dispel some of the most common misconceptions about CBT, explore alternatives to CBT, and describe what a common CBT [...]

What is CBT? How Can it Help with Recovery from Addiction? Is it Available in Portland Oregon?2024-07-14T23:52:09+00:00

Isolation is a Key Risk Factor for Addiction in Portland Oregon


  Do you feel lonely? If so, you’re not alone in that feeling.  USA Today is calling isolation and loneliness an “epidemic” in the United States that has even caught the eye of the US Surgeon General. Not only is loneliness excruciating, sad, and boring, but it is actually terrible for our health, as well. [...]

Isolation is a Key Risk Factor for Addiction in Portland Oregon2024-06-09T23:48:13+00:00

Recovery is Built by Daily Habits 


Addiction treatment is never a “one and done” experience.  Recovery is a life-long process of day-to-day maintenance. It becomes routine and it gets easier, but it always takes work. You have to take recovery one day at a time, no matter what. There will never be a day where you’ve “completed” your recovery journey. The [...]

Recovery is Built by Daily Habits 2024-03-14T19:18:35+00:00

How to Know if Outpatient Addiction Treatment is Right for You


When you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there is no “quick fix.” When you’re researching the help available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the options and the foreign terminology. Rehab, detox, inpatient, outpatient, IOP, partial hospitalization…the list goes on. It doesn’t matter what label you put on the program. You just [...]

How to Know if Outpatient Addiction Treatment is Right for You2024-01-09T19:31:44+00:00

Is It Working? Addiction Treatment, Drug Decriminalization and Measure 110 in Portland Oregon 


  “Is it working?” That’s the million dollar question about Oregon’s grand decriminalization experiment. Certainly the rest of our country, and likely the world, is watching with interest to see how the ramifications of Measure 110 will pan out for our state.  In this post, we’ll dive into what we know about Measure 110, how [...]

Is It Working? Addiction Treatment, Drug Decriminalization and Measure 110 in Portland Oregon 2023-11-05T00:04:26+00:00

Does Oregon Health Plan aka OHP Cover Addiction Treatment in Portland Oregon?


The short answer? YES.  Oregon Health Plan (also known as OHP) has pretty great coverage for people who want addiction treatment.  The long answer? Still YES. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when you’re shopping for addiction treatment services that take OHP in Portland and beyond. This post will cover some [...]

Does Oregon Health Plan aka OHP Cover Addiction Treatment in Portland Oregon?2023-10-09T22:51:20+00:00

What is Narcan, Where Can You Get it in Portland Oregon, and How Does it Save Lives?


What is Narcan? What isNaloxone? Narcan, also known as naloxone, is a medication used to reverse opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids interact with, effectively “blocking” an opioid’s ability to continue to produce a “high” in the brain and body.  Narcan is available in several forms. [...]

What is Narcan, Where Can You Get it in Portland Oregon, and How Does it Save Lives?2023-10-09T22:38:55+00:00

Sober Summer Fun is NOT an Oxymoron in Portland Oregon


  Summer is here! While the warm weather and fun activities of summer may make you excited to get out there and soak up the sun, many people in recovery - especially those in early recovery - find that summertime months can be very triggering.  With so many parties, get-togethers, picnics, beach days, BBQs, camp [...]

Sober Summer Fun is NOT an Oxymoron in Portland Oregon2023-07-04T19:14:20+00:00

Telehealth for Addiction Treatment Now Proven to Save Lives, Prevent Overdose


  By now, I think we can all agree that virtual doctor’s appointments are very convenient. At Shanti Wellness and Recovery, our patients love the convenience of being able to access cutting edge, evidence based addiction treatment via telemedicine. It wasn’t always this easy to seek care for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in general or [...]

Telehealth for Addiction Treatment Now Proven to Save Lives, Prevent Overdose2023-06-10T03:43:50+00:00
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